2 Professors of School of Medicine won the Top 10 ZJU Academic Advances 2019

2020-05-11   |   Office of International Affairs

The selection process of Top 10 ZJU Academic Advances 2019 was officially launched on January 16, 2020. A total of 32 projects were shortlisted for the award. A panel of judges, consisting of distinguished members of the ZJU Academic Committee and specially invited experts, evaluated candidate projects and singled out 10 projects as the best 10 academic advances. School of Medicine professors hit 2 of Top 10 ZJU Academic Advances 2019 and 2 were nominated.

Top10 ZJU Academic Advances 2019

Palmitoylation   of NOD1 and NOD2 Required for Bacteria Sensing

Headed   by Dante Neculai from   the School of Medicine,   School of Basic Medical Sciences

Research   into Nucleus Circuits for Mental Illness

Headed   by LI Xiaoming from   the School of Medicine, School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine

(Research team Headed  by Dante Neculai)

(Research team Headed  by LI Xiaoming)

Nominated, Top10 ZJU Academic Advances 2019

A   strongly adhesive hemostatic hydrogel for the repair of arterial and heart   bleeds

Headed   by OUYANG hongwei from the School of Medicine, School of Basic Medical Sciences

the   cryoelectron microscopy structure of a complete, C2S2M2N2-type PSII–LHCII   supercomplex from C. reinhardtii at 3.37-Å resolution

Headed   by ZHANG Xing from the School of Medicine, School of Basic Medical Sciences   

Please go and see the list of Top 10 ZJU Academic Advances in the year of 2019.