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发布日期:2011年09月23日 17:09 来源:银河线路检测中心
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Chiba University

Graduate School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Information on Special Selection for International Students to

the 4-Year Ph.D. Program, April 2012 Enrollment (Draft as of Aug. 13, 2011)


This Ph.D. program provides a world-class level education environment in medical and biomedical research fields at Chiba University. The program will nurture graduate students to develop diverse values as well as deeper knowledge of fundamental science in addition to a specific research interest.  The graduate student can obtain the degree by taking several courses given in English and by completing a Ph.D. dissertation in English, while the courses in Japanese will be also available. Financial support on global standards will be offered by being employed as Research Assistant (RA) and so on.


Special Support Programs

The followings are various support programs prepared.  Please contact Prof. Nakayama (Tel: +81-43-226-2200 email: about the detailed information and procedures.

1. Financial aid by employment as Research Assistant (RA)**

2. Providing facilities for accommodation  3. Exemption from enrollment fee and tuition fee 

4. Temporary loan system by Chiba University  5. Guarantor system by Chiba University








Qualification for Application

All of the following requirements must be satisfied.

A. The applicant must possess the degree designated. (If not, examination of qualification is conducted.)

B. The applicant must possess foreign nationality.

C. Minimum TOEFL iBT score of 90 (PBT score of 577) (taken after April 2008)

 or Minimum GRE score of 4.0 (taken after April 2008)

Specific Research Area (for 2012)

  A. Immunology (Prof. T. Nakayama et al.)

  B. Medical Physiology (Metabolic diseases) (Prof. T. Miki et al.)

  C. Stem Cell Biology (Prof. A. Iwama et al.)

  D. Neural Development (Prof. T. Saito et al.)

  E. Cancer Immunotherapy (Assoc. Prof. S. Motohashi et al)

Students should choose one of the research areas for this Special Selection 2012.

#Detailed information of the research is shown in the following homepages:

1. Graduate School of Medicine ongoing research: (this will open soon)

2. G-COE:

Tentative Schedule for Application, Judging & Examination (April 2012 enrollment)


Applicant      Submit application                 Pay examination fee 

documents (by Sep. 29)              (by October 14)             Examination           Announcement of

                                                      (Overseas oral           examination results

                                                                   interview)(in November)         (on Dec 16)

Chiba Univ.    Judge the applicant’s qualification     Conduct prior selection            

              (check the requirements including     (documentary screening)

               academic record)

Required Documents

Application form and Admission Ticket for Examination (Prospective) Master’s Degree Certificate Transcripts of Grades Certificate of Employment Two Photos Master’s Thesis, etc. List of Research Achievements

Research Proposal Copy of TOEFL Score Card Copy of GRE Score Card Copy of Passport Two Letters of Recommendation Examination Fee 30,000JPY (after Judging the Applicant’s Qualification)


Enrollment Fee: 282,000yen  Tuition Fee for first semester 2012: 260,400yen (520,800yen/year)

Fee for Student Health Mutual Aid Society: 8,000yen (for 4 years)  Premium for Student Disaster and Injury Insurance: 8,000yen (for 4 years)

With the above support programs the Enrollment and Tuition Fees may be exempted.


** Other information on the Financial aid: The 4-Year PhD program, April 2012 enrollment

#1~2 students

#1st year: 200,000yen/month (RA; 4/2012~3/2013)

       (very likely: enrollment fee; 50% reduction and tuition fee; free)

#2nd year: 100,000~200,000 yen/month*

       (very likely: enrollment fee; 50% reduction and tuition fee; free)


#3rd year: 100,000~200,000 yen/month*

#4th year: 100,000~200,000 yen/month*


* supported by one of the scholarship programs.

1) Excellent International Student Scholarship Program (by Chiba Univ.)

2) A scholarship prepared by Graduate School of Medicine

3) Chiba University Ownership Program (?)





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