
发布日期:2011年06月01日 来源:银河线路检测中心 阅读量:4608

报告人:Kang Lee, PhD, Professor, University of Toronto
题  目:Top-down Face Processing: Behavioral and Neural Evidence
题  目:功能磁共振影像在精神疾病认知功能研究中的应用
时间:2011-06-13 下午3:00-5:00


It is well established behaviorally that our perception is influenced by not only bottom-up information from the stimuli but also top-down expectations. Only in the recent decade, have researchers begun to explore the neural mechanisms underlying top-down perception. Here, I will present a series of recent behavioral and fMRI studies to examine the top-down influence of face processing and its neural correlates. I will explore whether there exist both domain general and domain specific neural networks involved in top-down face processing.
Dr. Kang Lee is University Distinguished Professor (多伦多大学杰出教授) at Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto, and also a Researcher (full professor rank, 教授级研究员)at the Center for Human Development and Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego. In addition, he is an adjunct professor of Beijing Normal University, Zhejiang Normal University, and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Dr. Lee is currently an Associate Editor of Developmental Science, a leading international journal in the field of developmental psychology. He is a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. Dr. Lee’s research is focused in two fields: 1) face processing in children and adults, 2) lying in children and adults.
杜一平教授于1995年在美国犹他大学获得物理学博士学位。随后在GE公司和Johns Hopkins University 从事磁共振影像研究。2000年在芝加哥大学任助理教授,从事脑功能影像研究。2002年起在美国University of Colorado 银河线路检测中心精神病学系和放射学系任副教授,担任脑影像中心技术主任。2009年升任正教授。杜教授于2010年8月到银河线路检测中心生仪学院任教。