Title: Stem cells and Atherosclerosis
Speaker: Prof. Qingbo Xu 徐清波教授
英国心脏基金会(BHF) John Parker教授
全英华人生命科学院(CLSS UK)院长
Time: 2010年8月5日(周四)上午10:00
Place: 浙一医院6号楼6A-19楼会议室
徐清波教授长期从事动脉粥样硬化发病机制和干细胞血管修复研究,并创立了欧洲最大的血管生物学实验室。他现任美国心脏学会杂志ATVB和J.Heart Dis.等多部心血管研究领域国际核心期刊的编委。其他学术兼职包括:美国肯塔基大学客座教授、全英华人生命科学学会主席等。自1988年以来,徐教授在Lancet、Circulation、Circ.Res、J.Am.Coll.Cardiol、J.Cell.Biol、J.Clin.Invest、Mol.Bio.Cell等国际高水平期刊上共发表论著文章200余篇,总影响因子约1300,被引次数高达9000余次。其撰写的专著《Handbook of Mouse Models of Cardiovascular Diseases》于2006年由英国Wiley出版社发行。徐教授实验室目前在研项目科研经费总计超过400万英镑。
1. Pepe AE, Xiao Q, Zampetaki A, Zhang Z, Kobayashi A, Hu Y and Xu Q. Crucial role of Nrf3 in smooth muscle cell differentiation from stem cells. Circ. Res.2010;106:870-879.
2. Margariti A, Zampetaki A, Xiao Q, Zhou B, Karamariti E, Martin D, Yin X, Mayr M, Li H,Zhang Z, De Falco E, Hu Y, Cockerill G, Xu Q and Zeng L. Histone deacetylase 7 controls endothelial cell growth modulation of beta-catenin. Circ. Res. 2010;106:1202-1211. [Accompanied by an Editorial: 106:1180-1183; A figure selected as the cover picture].
3. Zampetaki A, Zeng L, Margariti A, Xiao X, Li H, Zhang Z, PepeAE, Wang G, deFalco E, Cockerill G, MasonJ, Hu Y and Xu Q. Histone deacetylase 3 is critical in endothelial survival and atherosclerosis development in response to disturbed flow. Circulation. 2010;121:132-142.
4. Xu Q. Disturbed flow-enhanced endothelial turnover in atherosclerosis. Trends Cardiovasc. Med.2009;19:191-195.
5. Margariti A, Xiao Q, Zampetaki A, Zhang Z, Li H, Martin D, Hu Y, Zeng L and Xu Q. Splicing of HDAC7 modulates the SRF-myocardin complex during stem-cell differentiation towards smooth muscle cells. J. Cell Sci. 2009;122:460-470.
6. Xiao Q, Luo Z, Pepe AE, Margariti A, Zeng L and Xu Q. Embryonic stem cell differentiation into smooth muscle cells is mediated by Nox4-produced H2O2. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 2009;296:C711-C723.
7. Foteinos G and Xu Q. Immune-mediated mechanisms of endothelial damage in atherosclerosis. Autoimmunity.2009;42:627–633.
8. Zeng L, Zampetaki A, Margariti A, Pepe AP, Alam S, Martin D, Xiao Q, Wang W, Jin Z, Cockerill G, Mori K, Li YJ, Hu Y, Chien S and Xu Q. Sustained activation of XBP1 splicing leads to endothelial apoptosis and atherosclerosis development in response to disturbed flow. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.2009;106:8326-8331.
9. Xu Q. Stem cells and transplant arteriosclerosis. Circ. Res. 2008;102:1011-1024.
10. Foteinos G, Hu Y, Xiao Q, Metzler B and Xu Q. Rapid endothelial turnover in atherosclerosisprone areas coincides with stem cell repair in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Circulation. 2008;117:1856-1863.
11. Zeng L, Xiao Q, Margariti A, Zhang Z, Zampetaki A, Patel S, Capogrossi MC, Hu Y,
Xu Q. HDAC3 is crucial in shear- and VEGF-induced stem cell differentiation toward endothelial cells.
J. Cell Biol. 2006;174:1059-1069.
12. Mayr U, Zou Y, Zhang Z, Dietrich H, Hu Y,
Xu Q. Accelerated arteriosclerosis of vein grafts in inducible NO synthase(-/-) mice is related to decreased endothelial progenitor cell repair.
Circ Res. 2006;98:412-420.